Any one of us may become a carer at some point in our lives, even temporarily – it’s not something we usually plan for, it can just happen.

When (and if) that time comes, you need to know where to go for support. You may be a carer if you care for/support/help someone with a disability, a medical condition, mental ill-health or who is frail due to age.

Carers can be any age and could be caring for anyone – a parent, friend, child, sibling, or a neighbour. Carers provide care in many different ways. Some carers may look after somebody 24 hours a day and help with daily living, while others look after people who are fairly independent but sometimes need help.


Family, carers and supporters information sessions

Is your loved one receiving care at one of the Barwon Health intensive mental health services?

  • Swanston Centre
  • McKellar Mental Health and Wellbeing Centre
  • Mental Health Hospital in the Home

There is support for you

Please join us for a FREE one-hour information session

  • Fortnightly on Tuesdays
  • 1.30pm – 2.30pm
  • 192 Myers St, Geelong


Seeking help is the first step to healing and recovery for the whole family, for carers and supporters.

Page last updated: July 15, 2024