Find out more about how to organise an interpreter before your visit one of our services

Language and translation support

If you do not speak English or need support with translation we can help.

How do I organise an interpreter?

Call the Barwon Health 24/7 triage service for help, information and referrals related to our Mental Health, Alcohol and Drugs Service:

  1300 094 187

Tell us you need an interpreter when you make contact with one of our services or on your admission. Our staff will make a booking for an interpreter in your preferred language. Interpreters are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Learn more about interpreter services?

Barwon Health is committed to providing a professional, confidential interpreting service to ensure that you or your family member, carer or supporter can understand and make informed decisions regarding your mental health and wellbeing. Interpreting services are available to help support you in communication between you and your treating team either in person or over the phone.

Interpreting services are provided by qualified professional interpreters. Barwon Health has access to interpreting services in more than 160 languages including AUSLAN (Australian Sign Language).

Page last updated: November 17, 2024