Barwon Health’s Drugs and Alcohol Service (DAS) is a community-based service for people living in the Barwon region. DAS clinicians provide a range of time-limited, integrated clinical treatment and other interventions for people aged 26 years and above who have moderate to severe substance use disorders and co-morbid mild to moderate mental health disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety and trauma).

DAS can also provide services to people aged between 16 and 26 years who choose to access an adult service rather than a youth service.

DAS has two main areas of service provision:

Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Treatment

Comprehensive Assessment regarding AOD

AOD Counselling

Counselling supports positive behavioural change in people by providing evidence-based therapeutic counselling interventions, including step down relapse prevention treatment post-hospital or residential withdrawal. Counselling can be provided face-to-face and via telephone consultations.

Non-residential Withdrawal

Non-residential withdrawal supports people to safely withdraw from alcohol and/or other drug use through a cessation or gradual reduction regimen. It commonly involves step up stabilisation and linkages to hospital and residential withdrawal and rehabilitation services, or home-based withdrawal treatment in conjunction with the person’s GP.

What is pharmacotherapy?

Most commonly known as:

  • Methadone
  • Buprenorphine

‘Pharmacotherapy’ is the term used to describe the use of medication (such as methadone or buprenorphine) to assist in the treatment of opioid dependency. The Victorian pharmacotherapy system consists of community-based pharmacotherapy providers and specialist pharmacotherapy services. For example, a prescription for methadone may be prescribed by a general practitioner and this drug will be dispensed to the client by a trained pharmacist.

About assessment

Assessments are arranged through the DAS duty worker and are conducted at Drug and Alcohol services located at 181 Moorabool Street.

Please call 03 4215 8792 for more information.

Assessment is the entry point for all individuals seeking treatment for the first time or returning to treatment following a lengthy break/ gap in treatment. Assessments are conducted by the pharmacotherapy management worker. At completion of the assessment, will assist you to find the most suitable prescriber for your needs.

What you need to bring:

  • Medicare card
  • Healthcare card (if you have one )
  • Pension card

Please allow at least one hour for the assessment to be completed.

What happens at the assessment?

  • Information about your treatment options
  • A comprehensive history including medical concerns and substance use history
  • Assistance in finding a prescriber and chemist
  • Pre and post-test counselling regarding blood-borne virus.

Harm Reduction Services

Harm reduction strategies aim to reduce the harms associated with the use of alcohol and drugs.

Referral and Assessment Process
Referrals to the DAS Harm Reduction Team can be made directly to the service required and are contained in the descriptions of each service area below:

1.Needle Syringe Program (NSP), ph. 1800 196 850 for the mobile syringe program

Drop into Corio Community Health Centre, 2 Gellibrand  Street, Corio, 9am to 5pm.

The Needle Syringe Program offers:

  • Provision of sterile injecting equipment
  • Provision of safer sex products
  • Safe disposal of used injecting equipment
  • Advice and information of safer using practices and harm reduction strategies
  • Referral and linkage into treatment services when appropriate.

NSP services are provided from:

  • Barwon Health community health centres
  • University Hospital Geelong Emergency Department

Syringe Vending Machines (externally located for out-of-hours access):

  • Barwon Health Youang Surgery Centre (former Geelong Private Hospital), Ryrie Street, Geelong (between Bellerine Street and Argyle Street).
  • Corio Community Health Centre, 2 Gellibrand Street, Corio.

Additionally, a mobile NSP service delivers a full range of injecting and sexual health products and the removal/disposal of used equipment.

No referral is required for consumers to access NSP sites and vending machines. The mobile service is accessed by calling 1800 196 850. The service is free of charge, discreet and confidential. No personal information is collected from participants.

2.Take Home Naloxone program

The Take Home Naloxone program offers education and training to consumers and their friends and families in how to recognise and respond to an opioid overdose. This includes the free provision of Naloxone.Referrals can be made via the NSP service 1800 196 850, via direct email to, or via the Phone Triage Team.

3.Medication Assisted Treatment of Opioid Dependency Support

DAS provides a free comprehensive assessment and referral program for people seeking opioid replacement therapy. People can also access via the Phone Triage Team on 1300 094 187.


Referral is via the Barwon Health Phone Triage Team on 1300 094 187.

  1300 094 187

Barwon Health offers 24/7 help, information or referral via our Mental Health, Alcohol and Drugs Services triage.

Page last updated: October 7, 2024