Harm reduction is a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use. Harm reduction is also a movement for social justice built on a belief in, and respect for, the rights of people who use drugs.
For more information and a discussion of the principles of harm reduction, please click here.
Drug Alerts SMS
The drug alert system is an anonymous, free text messaging service aimed at helping people make informed decisions about their drug use.
Any person who uses drugs or has a loved one who uses drugs can sign up, anonymously, to receive text alerts when any drugs of concern are identified in Victoria. Whilst this might not apply to your specific location, nor can it be relied upon to accurately reflect all potential contaminates of commonly used illicit drugs, the data is driven by numerous drug testing services, including the Emerging Drugs Network of Australia (EDNAV), RAPID and any future Department of Health drug checking systems.
Alerts will only be sent from validated sources, as described below;
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Harm Reduction Victoria
- Sesh.Ed
You only need to provide your mobile phone number. Your number will be stored securely and will not be used for any other purpose. To unsubscribe from this list, please see details below.
Below is an example of how an alert will appear on your mobile phone:
Sign up to Drug Alerts
Drug alert sign up
There is no charge for this service.
For details on past drug alerts published by the Department of Health, click here.
Unsubscribe from Drug Alerts
Email harmreductionservices@barwonhealth.org.au or send a SMS to 1800 196 850 with the word UNSUBSCRIBE and the number you wish to be removed.
Barwon Health Drug and Alcohol Service
Barwon Health Harm Reduction Service
181 Moorabool Street, Geelong, 3220.
Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm
Barwon Health Harm Reduction Services provides needle Syringe Program services, staffed by experienced harm reduction workers.
We offer:
- Sterile injecting equipment
- Take home naloxone
- Safer sex products
- Safer drug use information
The service is free, anonymous and confidential.
Mobile service 9am – 3.30pm, ph 1800 196 850
The program operates from Corio Community Health Centre, 2 Gellibrand Street, Corio, 9am to 5pm.
Barwon Health Drug and Alcohol Services operates a mobile needle syringe service, staffed by experienced workers who are able to confidentially deliver injecting equipment, collect used equipment if in suitable containers (which can be provided) – and offer safer injecting advice and information.
Each of Barwon Health’s Community Health Centres operates a confidential, free, needle syringe program, stocking a wide range of injecting equipment and disposal chutes for used equipment.
Syringe Disposal Locations:
- Anglesea Community Health Centre, McMillan Street, Anglesea – 8.30am – 5pm Mon – Fri (map)
- Belmont Community Health Centre, 1- 17 Reynolds Road, Belmont – 8.30am – 5pm Mon – Fri (map)
- Corio Community Health Centre, 2 Gellibrand Street, Corio – 10.00am – 4pm Mon – Fri (map)
- Newcomb Community Health Centre, 104 – 108 Bellarine Hwy, Newcomb – 8.30am – 5pm Mon – Fri (map)
- Torquay Community Health Centre, 100 Surf Coast Hwy, Torquay – 8.30am – 5pm Mon – Fri (map)
📍 Map of Syringe Disposal Locations
Outside business hours
Syringe vending machines are located at:
- Alongside the Barwon Health Youang Surgery Centre in Ryrie Street, Geelong between Bellerine Street and Argyle Street
Corio Community Health Centre, Gellibrand Street, Corio
📍 Map of Syringe Vending Machines
These machines offer a range of injecting equipment are free of charge.
📍 Map of Syringe Disposal Locations
The emergency department at University Hospital Geelong no longer offers a NSP service.
What is naloxone?
Naloxone hydrochloride (brand names Prenoxad, Nyxoid) is a drug that can temporarily reverse opioid overdose. Naloxone works by blocking opioid drugs, such as heroin and oxycodone, from attaching to opioid receptors in the brain.
Read more here.
Why should I carry it?
Carrying naloxone can be a lifesaving decision for several reasons:
- Opioid overdose risk: Opioids, whether prescribed or illicit, can lead to overdose situations. Naloxone is an effective antidote that can quickly reverse the effects of an opioid overdose.
- First responder role: You could be in a situation where someone experiences an overdose. Having naloxone on hand allows you to act quickly while waiting for emergency services.
- Accessibility: Naloxone is increasingly available without a prescription in many places, making it easier for people to obtain and carry. For more info on where you can access naloxone, see below
- Empowerment: Carrying naloxone helps you be more prepared and empowered to assist others in emergencies, promoting a culture of safety and care in your community.
- Reducing 5tigma: By carrying naloxone, you contribute to reducing the stigma around addiction and overdose, promoting a more compassionate response.
Overall, carrying naloxone can be a critical step in saving lives and supporting those affected by opioid use.
Naloxone is available free of charge under the Federal Take Home Naloxone Program
Where can I get naloxone from
Naloxone is available from both of Barwon Health’s Primary Harm Reduction Services:
- Central Geelong Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub, 181 Moorabool Street, Geelong, 3220
- Corio Community Health Centre, 2 Gellibrand Street, Corio, 3214
You can also contact our mobile service on 1800 196 850 for more info, or email us at harmreductionservices@barwonhealth.org.au
You can also find registered naloxone providers anywhere in Australia – navigate to your closest provider.
Barwon Health distributes harm reduction supplies, providing sterile, single-use equipment to help prevent disease transmission and reduce the potential health risks associated with drug use.
Click here to view a list of item in stock and helpful tips.
Page last updated: November 18, 2024