If you are concerned about your mental health, drug or/and alcohol use, or simply want to improve your wellbeing, there are lots of things you can do right now.
Finding useful information, chatting online with peers and professionals, and downloading apps are a few initial steps you can take.
Everyone’s situation and needs are different, so what is useful right now will vary from one person to the next.
Digital mental health resources can often be just as effective as talking to someone face-to-face. So if you’re not comfortable talking to someone in person, or are finding it difficult to find the right help, this may be the way to go. Whatever you choose, trust is a very important factor
Below you’ll find a list of apps and website resources that you might find useful.
You can search for these apps on your preferred app platform for Android or Apple devices, and download them if you think they might be useful.
Mental Health
Head to Health (website)
The Head to Health wesbite can help you find digital mental health services from some of Australia’s most trusted mental health organisations.
Beyond Now – Beyond Blue (app)
Download: Apple or Android or web version
A safety planning app, for when you need it the most
Smiling Mind (app)
A free mindfulness meditation app
Daylio Journal (app)
A mental health mood tracker, gratitude diary, photo food log, fitness goal pal (some in-app purchases may occur, depending on what functions you select).
Niggle by Kids Helpline (app)
Developed with over 700 young people. This app helps you to get personalised information about your life niggles. From feeling down or safe to sexual identity, dealing with conflict, relationships, loneliness and more. It is a take-home, self-help toolkit.
DBT Coach: Guided Therapy (app)
A comprehensive DBT (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy) app for Borderline Personality Disorder, Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Bipolar Disorder
Mindspot Wellbeing course (website)
A clinically-proven treatment that helps adults improve their psychological health and overcome symptoms of depression and anxiety.
This Way Up (website)
Online programs that teach clinically-proven strategies to help you improve the way you feel. GPs can link consumers up for free, rather than paying for a prescription.
First Nations
iBobbly (app)
A social and emotional wellbeing self-help app for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples aged 15 years and over.
Burndawan (website)
Burndawan is a resource created with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living on Wadawurrung Country. It is designed for Aboriginal people who would like information or support about harmful behaviours from a partner or family member.
Drug and Alcohol
AA 12-Step Toolkit Recovery Box (app)
Recovery app based on the big book from alcoholics anonymous
Smart Recovery (UNSW) (website)
A supportive environment and information resources to achieve behaviour change goals of your choice around alcohol & other drug use, or any behaviours of concern.
Specialised Apps
Love Your Kite by Butterfly Foundation (app)
Designed specifically for anyone with an eating disorder, disordered eating or who are at risk of developing one. Practical steps and micro-learning opportunities and is user-led.
Daisy (app)
Connecting women around Australia to services providing support for the impacts of sexual assault, family violence and domestic violence.
What’s OK At Home by Safe and Equal, formerly Domestic Violence Resource Centre (DVRCV)
Information to help people understand what family violence is, why it happens, and how to recognise it.
Page last updated: July 26, 2024