Is there anyone else external to Barwon Health that I can complain to?
We take complaints seriously and aim to resolve them quickly and fairly. If you still have an unresolved complaint, there are other options. You can contact the Health Complaints Commissioner (HCC). The HCC responds to complaints about health services and the handling of health information in Victoria. Their service is free, confidential and impartial.

To lodge a complaint with the HCC:

Fill out a complaint form online at or
Phone 1300 582 113 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday to discuss your complaint.
In addition to the HCC, there are a range of other services and supports available in this list:

Support services


Victoria Legal Aid

Helping Victorians with their legal problems
Phone:   1300 792 387
Hours:   8.45am - 5.15pm Monday – Friday

Office of the Public Advocate

Providing an advice service for people with a disability
Phone:   1300 309 337

Mental Health Legal Centre

Free and confidential legal service to anyone who has experienced mental illness in Victoria where their legal problem relates to their mental illness
Hours:   6.30pm - 8.30pm Tuesday and Thursday

Independent Mental Health Advocacy

Helping you to know your rights (about assessment, treatment and recovery) and getting help. IMHA’s advocates are on your side.

Safeguards and protections


Victorian Ombudsman

When you make a complaint to the Ombudsman about a government action or decision, they can look into it, tell you what occurred, and whether it was reasonable or unreasonable
Hours:   9am - 5pm Monday - Friday

Office of the Public Advocate, Community Visitors

Community Visitors are volunteers empowered by law to visit Victorian disability accommodation services, supported residential services and mental health facilities
Phone:   1300 309 337

Office of the Chief Psychiatrist

Providing clinical leadership and promoting continuous improvement in the quality and safety of mental health services in Victoria
Phone:   (03) 9096 7571

Mental Health Tribunal Victoria

Protecting the rights and dignity of people with mental illness
Phone:   1800 242 703

Mental Health Complaints Commissioner – make a complaint

Specialist independent mental health complaints body that is accessible, supportive and responsive
Phone:   1800 246 054
Hours:   9am - 5pm Monday – Friday

Barwon Health complaints, compliments and suggestions

If you have a compliment, complaint or general feedback about your experience with Barwon Health.

Page last updated: July 15, 2024