What is the Federal Government doing about mental health?

Details about how the Australian government is supporting people to get mental health supports, including plans in place, programs and safeguards available.

Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System - Personal stories and case studies

Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System - Download Report

Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System - Fact Sheets

Victorian Suicide Prevention Framework 2016-2025

The Victorian suicide prevention framework provides a whole-of-government commitment and coordinated strategy to reduce the suicide toll. The framework is one of the priorities outlined in Victoria’s 10-year mental health plan. This document provides a summary of the full framework.

Freedom of Information - Department of Health Victoria

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 gives you the right to apply for access to documents held by government agencies and ministers. You can also apply to amend personal information about you held by government agencies.

A New Mental Health and Wellbeing Act for Victoria

The new Mental Health and Wellbeing Act commences approximately one year after parliament passes the Bill. This ensures time to communicate the changes in the new Act to the sector.

Recovery and supported decision-making

The Mental Health Act 2014 establishes a supported decision-making model. There are tools available to assist people in navigating the service system, to assist in creating an individual path to recovery.

Mental Health Workforce Strategy

Information about the development and improvement of Victoria’s mental health and wellbeing workforce.

Page last updated: July 22, 2024